Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mutha eff

A couple months ago our MEPS had a bit of a loss. The admin assistant was married to a recruiter and the recruiter PCS'd and she went with him. The MEPS has been suffering ever since.

For those not aware MEPS acts as the gateway. We at the recruiting station fax documents, scan documents, deliver documents to MEPS and they say if it's good. When it comes to the physical we at the station fax the 2807 and any associated documents to MEPS at least 24 hours prior. If the person marked "Yes" to any medical question beyond "Do you smoke?" or "Do you wear contacts?" you need to provide supporting medical documents. And if you have documents they need to be reviewed. If something needs to be reviewed it takes between 24 and 72 hours, depending on how many docs you send to doc.

I submitted the 2807 and assorted paperwork on a guy Tuesday for a phys on Friday. I found out today that he wouldn't be able to phys because MEPS just realized that the guy has a medical packet as thick as Order of the Phoenix. The previous MEPS admin lady would have seen the thick fax and wondered if it was something that needed a review. The current... Sergeant... working the desk lets it sit there. Lets it sit there until it's too late to do anything about it so she can call the station and tell you the day before that your guy can't phys.

It's bull. Complete and total bull. I know and understand that MEPS is a chaotic place. There is a lot going on, for a lot of people all at once. But when something as simple as delivering paperwork to the med section doesn't happen in time it affects business. It makes the recruiter look stupid because I have to call the kid to tell him he can't phys. I am perfectly capable of making myself look stupid, I don't need MEPS to help me.

This has been a growing problem for us. This is the second time that I've had an applicant get screwed by the folks at MEPS not do what they were supposed to do. What they did with great efficiency mere months ago. Maybe my station is alone in having these issues. Maybe we're not. But oh well... my spleen has vented and I feel good.


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