Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Becky over at Rambling Thoughts of a Future Soldier is someone who should tickle a cockle in IRR Soldiers' heart. She's a soon-to-be Future Soldier applying for OCS. I'm kind of eager to see IRR Soldier go over her latest post on OCS packets for accuracy. Seems to be some stuff in there that a recruiter could use. I would have had her linked earlier, but I jacked up the HTML on the link and just caught the mistake.

*UPDATE* I did the same thing to Army Lawyer.

Darth Commando, IRR Soldier, and Observer5 combined to make the single most commented on post I've ever had. I have no idea how my remark about Aubrey Huff's first day as an Astro evolved into what the comments became, but it was a fun read.

Lastly, speaking of IRR Soldier, ever think of starting your own blog/website? Or maybe becoming a contributor to one? The one you link to in your comments hasn't been updated in several months, and in a previous post where I talked about Soldiers in the IRR it was making my head spin trying to keep the difference between IRR Soldier and IRR Soldier.


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