Monday, August 01, 2005


I think the Recruiting Gods are setting me up for failure. The first-day-back started as I'd imagined it would. The two guys I had getting ready to pour into my funnel decided to go Regular Army rather than Reserve. Which meant they were going to be reassigned to another recruiter. But then the day took a turn for the not-sucky. I had gotten a phone call from one of the outlying stations saying they had a referral. Now, most of the referrals I get from the RA recruiters in the outlying stations are people who are broke. They're overweight, or have law violations, or some other problem. This guy wasn't though. He was over 35 and thus, the RA couldn't work with them. So he became mine.

He's good to go. Mr. Mayer, as I'll call him, only has one minor traffic violation, good on HT/WT, and health. Grad, already ASVAB'd a 50. And he's ready to go. I'll be driving to his house tomorrow afternoon to get his packet started. I'll need to do a birth verification and track down some transcripts, but not a huge issue. He should be in on Thursday. In addition to having this mana from heaven drop into my lap, I made two appointments which fed the beast.

I figured my day wouldn't get much better than this. I was, kinda, wrong. One of the guys who I was told were ready to flip RA wasn't. It was second-hand info. He's still firmly committed to joining the Reserves. He's not ready to join this second (which will frustrate my SC, but /shrug), but he's committed to joining. It actually works out well for me. I'll get my qulity for this month, and I can sandbag Mr. Non-committal until the start of the next RCM. If my station was actually close to mission box I'd be a bit more aggressive on Mr. NC. But, even if EVERYTHING goes right for the station for the rest of the RCM we'll still be about 8 short of mission. My guy would make that 7 short and I'm just not that into tilting windmills.

Anyway, I've still got a whole week for the recruiting gods to punish me for my insolence. For my positive thinking. I await the thunder form up on high.


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