Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday Sunday

I don't know why, but I'm usually an early riser on Sunday. It's weird. I'll lay in bed long after the alarm went off on every other day, but Sunday, I'm up and at them. let me down this holiday. The stuff which was shipped directly by Amazon arrived on time, which was good. However, the stuff ordered through Amazon's partners didn't arrive on time. As a matter of fact, it never shipped. A "glitch" occurred which canceled the order. I wouldn't have been halfway upset if the cancellation happened quickly. However, the order was canceled at the last minute,which required me to go shopping at the last minute, which I hate.

Oh well, I managed to get everything for most everyone (I had no idea what to get my mother-in-law), which is good. Santa will be much appreciated in the SFC B household on Tuesday.

I am so close to being done with recruiting. So very, very close. I can practically taste it. I'm so very thrilled with almost being done. For those few who still read this and are currently detailed recruiters, it does end. It really does.

Anyways, have a good one.


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